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Search Results for 'make money'

Cheap Office Stationery: Our Pick Of The Best Buys

10th Jan 2012

Are you setting up your own business? It’s important to find an affordable, reliable supplier to avoid any last-minute envelope crises or stapler emergencies – and most importantly – save time, money and effort in the long run. Read on for our top tips to get cheap office stationery:

Childcare vouchers: save £933 on childcare

5th Jan 2012

Childcare vouchers are a great way for parents to save money on the cost of nurseries, childminders or nannies- to the tune of up to £933 per year.  Childcare costs are continuing to rise every year so it’s important to save as much money as possible. Read on to find out everything you need to…

Thanks for signing up

20th Dec 2011

Thanks for signing up to our free debt emails, please check your email inbox and confirm your subscription by clicking the link we’ve sent you. Also…make sure you don’t miss out on our emails… You might miss out on these wonderfully-supportive and helpful emails if our messages get stuck in your junk folder or stopped completely…

Alternative Funerals

16th Dec 2011

Alternative funerals are increasingly popular.  Funerals should be a celebration of life rather than just a lamentation of death.  So here are some really great alternative options when making funeral plans.

Tax credits made easy

1st Aug 2011

Tax credits are important – if you are working on a low income, you may be able to get money back from the government. It’s essentially free cash that can make a real difference to your quality of life, so it’s definitely worth taking a moment to learn about tax credits and see whether you…

Secured loans – the truth

5th Jun 2011

Imagine you’ve borrowed £5,000 and you are struggling to pay it back. If you’ve borrowed that money in the form of a secured loan against your house and you really can’t make the repayments, your home will be repossessed. No questions asked and no second chances. To lose your entire home for that sum of…

Earn up to 9% on your savings with Funding Circle

19th Jan 2011

The banks aren’t in anyone’s good books at the moment. Small businesses are crying out for credit, but the banks aren’t lending. Meanwhile savers are receiving miserable rates on their deposits. So why not bring small businesses and savers together – so businesses can get reasonable loans, and savers can get decent interest rates? That’s…

Payday loans: Quick fix or big risk?

20th Nov 2010

Payday loans may be a tempting way to get instant cash and quick credit but with sky high interest rates and extortionate charging structures we show you how dangerous they can be, and take a look at the alternatives.

New scam targeting people with loans

12th Aug 2010

We’ve heard from Action Fraud, the Government-backed organisation that helps people who have been victims of fraud. They’re warning everyone about a new type of scam targeting people with loans. The fraudsters – often from a company with a similar name to an existing loan company (clever) – are sending out letters claiming the recipient has missed…

Another rental scam on Gumtree

1st Aug 2010

There’s yet another nasty rental scam on Gumtree, targeting would-be tenants looking for places to rent. The way it works is that unsuspecting potential tenants, usually from overseas, reply to advertisements on the website. After supposed satisfactory emails, tenants are asked to send money to the ‘landlord’. They then send the money but when they…

Hide your face from Facebook

10th May 2010

There’s a good article in today’s New York Times about the ‘Tell-All’ generation realising that they need to keep some things private online. About time that they realised! Apparently, according to research by the University of California, over half of young people (late teens and twentysomethings) have realised what many of us thought from the…

Part-time work in Europe scam

19th Apr 2010

I’ve had yet ANOTHER spam email from some dodgy, fraudulent company offering me alleged ‘part-time work in Europe’. For some reason I’ve had a load of these in the last couple of days so they must be targeting a lot of people at the moment. Here’s what the scam email says: “Hi, West Union Group…