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Make money as an Avon Lady

Grace Etheredge 15th Aug 2019 47 Comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Being an Avon Lady is not just for yummy mummies. More and more men are getting into selling cosmetics around the neighbourhood (although they tend to call themselves Avon Representatives). Some professionals also run their Avon businesses to supplement their income.

Now Avon is targeting students and graduates looking to increase their earnings and try out an alternative career path.

If you would like to run your own business and you have an interest in cosmetics, read on below!


what do ‘avon ladies’ actually do?

Woman having eyeshadow applied to her eyelid with a brush

Avon is a cosmetics company selling beauty, fashion, home and kids products. Their Representatives sell Avon products to customers all over the world through brochures and online, and through the recently introduced My Avon Store, the brand’s social selling platform in the UK.

Avon has almost six million Representatives worldwide that sell products directly in their communities and online.

While this covers various ages and demographics, the average age of a Representative has fallen. Younger men and women are coming on-board as the desire to have a portfolio career and entrepreneurial spark increases for those in the earlier stages of their careers.

According to the DSA (Direct Selling Association) under-25s now make up 22% of the direct sales industry (2015), and 62% of direct sellers have more than one job (2016).

Avon claims that selling their products is a good way to set yourself up in business and make your own money, rather than waiting to get a traditional full-time job.

They have a point – as we often say on this site, there are lots of ways of making cash for yourself either as a ‘bit on the side’ or as a full-time occupation. Working through Avon is just one of them.

There are two main ways you can work with Avon:

  • as a Representative
  • or as a Sales Leader.

A Representative takes Avon orders from clients directly or online, while a Sales Leader will manage a team of Representatives and earn commission from their sales. It’s a type of ‘social selling’ which can work for those who are highly motivated and enthusiastic.

Being an Avon Representative is good for people who only want to work part-time with flexible working hours. The amount of work you put in is entirely up to you – some people even work as an Avon Representative while holding down a full-time job. The next step up is to become a Sales Leader, who manage the people working under them.


How much can you make?

Woman holding makeup brushes

Avon Representatives buy products at a discounted price and then sell the products on to customers at the brochure price, making their profits through the difference. The discount level offered to Avon Representatives varies according to order size.

When you sign up, your personal Area Manager will contact you with the Minimum Order Value (MOV) and the Higher Order Value (HOV). When your order is above the MOV, you can enjoy a 20% discount, while an order above HOV attracts a discount of up to 25%. Sales leaders earn commission from those working for them and there is no upper limit on the amount of commission that can be earned.

Avon has a joining fee of

  • £16 for Representatives
  • £25 for Sales Leaders

These fees are to cover the training.


the pros and cons of working for avon

Avon lady selling cosmetics

The working hours are very flexible because you choose them for yourself and you can decide how much money you want to earn in a week. It’s a very sociable activity as you’re constantly meeting new people. If you put a lot of work in you can make plenty of profit – but be aware that it’s something you do have to put a lot of energy into, at least in the beginning, to get enough reward.

You really do need to be good at selling, as your profits depend entirely on your ability to sell Avon products. Sales can be tricky, especially when targeting your friends is going to be your first port of call. Would you be comfortable asking your friends to buy Avon products from you?


Real life Avon lady: Libby Reynolds

Real Life Avon Lady - Libby ReynoldsIt is fair to say pink blood runs through the Reynolds’ family. Fifteen years ago, Libby’s mum and dad joined forces and began running their own Avon team. They now have 2,500 Representatives working under them.

Libby was always fascinated by her parent’s business with Avon and for as long as she can remember, she would always accompany her mum on visits to Avon customers.

When Libby turned 16 she began working for her mum as an admin assistant, helping her process her orders and arrange deliveries. Fascinated and motivated with the idea of running her own business, as soon as Libby turned 18, she started to sell Avon products herself.

Libby, now 20, has been working with Avon for almost 3 years and reached the esteemed role of Sales Leader. Accountable for 130 Representatives, her Avon business is her main source of income. Libby is a perfect example of how University isn’t a necessary requirement to lead a successful business.


Getting started

If selling Avon products is your calling, or you just fancy making a bit on the side from it, go to the Avon website now.

Been an ‘Avon lady’? Share your tips and experiences by commenting below.


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5 years ago

Great job if you’re interested in cosmetics.

John Cotton
John Cotton
5 years ago

Hello, I am a male Avon rep, I have been doing Avon for 11 years, starting in 2007, 3 years after the death of my wife, and I must say it was a saving grace, not only did it help me financially,but I have met some lovely people some who are still my customers today, I have about 25 customers and I make anything from £50 – £80.00 commission per campaign and usually a lot more at Christmas time, and yes it`s true you do have to be committed and put the work in but I would recommend it as… Read more »

Kerry Richardson
Kerry Richardson
12 years ago

Im not quite sure where all the negativity is coming from?? I’ve been a rep a couple of times with Avon. Everytime I have quit due to the small income, however this was all down to me. You get what you give, if you are out there selling constantly and utilizing every opportunity there is no reason why you cant succeed!

Too many people want to work minimal hours and earn millions.. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Build a strong customer base and the rewards are there.

Just saying.

Alison Rogers
Alison Rogers
12 years ago

I have been working as a representative for Avon for 2 years & a sales leader for just over 1 year. It is hard going but I have met some amazing people. My main piece of advice to anyone who wants to try Avon would be to go ahead. If you want to make serious money then you need to be really motivated and push yourself. I have had rubbish campaigns and also great campaigns. I have set up a support group on facebook as sometimes Avon is a bit lonely. Add me if you like, search hello@alison-rogers. in facebook… Read more »

12 years ago

I have thought about Avon for some time now but I have heard about a few other branded cosmetic companies offering savings and huge discounts- what to do!

Emma Roberts
Emma Roberts
12 years ago

Hi I’m currently working for Avon while in full-time employment and have only just done 1 campaign, however I have just recieceved my order and my catalogues for the next 2 campaigns and I am slightly worried as that in the information booklet I received it says that campaign 2 I have until 26th December to place an order to be received 2 weeks later and then by 12th January I need to order to receive by the end of January, I am very confused and worried because I thaught that we’d have a lot longer than 2 weeks to… Read more »

12 years ago

I’m in Avon since campaign 16.
now I have problem to paid cam.18
I tried 3 time pay online and they REFUSE me!

12 years ago

hey my names christina, Im from the US I start doing avon today and i’ll meet the lady in 4 hours, but she said I only have to pay 10$ to get started how much are all the other things you have to pay for? I called people last night and i aleady have 70$ in orders just fro talking to friends on the phone. I have a 11month old baby girl and go to school t days out of the week so i just want to make a lil money on the side for things for christmas and her… Read more »

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