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free food at M&s

Get FREE food in M&S

Isobel Lawrance 10th May 2023 2 Comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Get FREE food in M&S 

Did you know, you can get free food at M&S? You may already have a Sparks card – the stores loyalty card – but do you know all the benefits of being a member? 

As with other loyalty schemes, the supermarket uses your spending habits to give you offers relevant to you. Your rewards are tailored to you! 

The Sparks scheme has changed a few times since its launch in 2015. Shoppers used to receive points when they spent in store. Now, M&S have made it even easier to get rewards. Some rewards are instant, some are random, and you get freebies every day.  

The freebies often come in the form of free food, such as fruit, sweets or bakery items. You may also receive free household items. Result! Just check your Sparks reward app every day to see what the freebie is. However, it’s important to note that the freebies and random and differ for everyone on a day-to-day basis. 

You could even get your shop for free when you scan your sparks card at the checkout! 

If you are an avid M&S fan and shop there regularly, you may be interested in the new ‘Sparks Plus’ scheme. It’s only at the trial phase at the moment – so there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to sign up – but it’s worth noting. You could receive an email invitation, so keep an eye on your inbox. 

Sparks Plus is the new premium version of the Sparks card, which costs £120 per year. This is paid upfront but averages out to around £10 per month. You can get unlimited deliveries, one free hot drink per month and a £10 voucher every month. So really, that £10 pays for itself! 

Plus, M&S claim you will receive over £200 in rewards per year. As a Sparks Plus member, you’ll receive exclusive invitations to special store events, charity donations will be doubled, and you may even be given gifts. 

For now, keep checking your Sparks app for daily freebies. It’s free to join, and worth it for the great offers you can receive. Magpie approved! 



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10 months ago

I too have had a Sparks card for several years. Only occasionally do you get a free treat such as a pastry. Definitely not as often as you claim. Mostly the offers are on percentage off of clothing or days out occasionally.

1 year ago

iv been with marks for at least 5 years and never benefit from it. maybe as i only ever buy food. no way of contacting them online to ask anything, or at least ive never had a reply from them.

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