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Get paid £35k a year to binge watch box sets

Fabian Broeker 1st Feb 2019 2 Comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There’s nothing better than coming home from a hard day at work, settling down on the sofa in front of the telly with a nice warm drink and watching your favourite show. What if you removed the “coming home from a hard day at work” part of that sentence? Well, you could. Sky Now TV are looking for one lucky TV addict who they will pay £35k to take a year off and devote it to their favourite box sets.

What is Now TV?

Now TV is Sky’s on demand streaming service, which comes installed on many smart TVs and consoles, and also exists as a box you can plug into your TV. It’s the home of Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead, so you’re sure to find something to binge.

What are they offering?

Firstly they’ll allow you to take a year off work, and pay you £35k to do so! You can spend the whole year watching telly. It doesn’t get better than that.

You’ll also be given a Now TV smart stick, plus 12 months of Now TV passes, so you can get watching shows such as Game of Thrones, The Sopranos and The Walking Dead.

How do I enter?

Now TV aren’t offering a traditional job interview. Instead they want you to be creative.

In order to get your hands on the quirky prize, all you have to do is post a video or image on social media showing why you deserve it.

Entries can be submitted on Facebook , Instagram and Twitter using the hashtag #BoxSetSabbatical and tagging @NOWTV.


A panel of judges, including comedian Joel Dommett, will sort through the entries and select a winner that they think best demonstrates TV watching passion, creativity and experience.

Joel said: “Sitting with my feet up watching my favourite shows AND getting paid for the privilege is something I quite literally dream about.”

Entries are open from now until midnight on Thursday, February 14 2019.

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5 years ago

Dear God, I do not even have a TV. I have much better things to do with my time BUT if you are addicted to TV, a great opportunity.

6 years ago

A fantastic opportunity!

Jasmine Birtles

Your money-making expert. Financial journalist, TV and radio personality.

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