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Get paid £40 an hour to stand in a crowd

Moneymagpie Team 19th Nov 2019 One Comment

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Ever dreamed about getting paid to just stand somewhere? Or even better, getting paid to stand at an event?!

An online one-stop shop platform for events and exhibitions is looking to recruit people to be part of the ‘crowd’ at some of the UK’s leading events.

The Job

Crowd actors will fill spaces in crowds, laugh on cue, act interested and ultimately populate an event or exhibition stand to make it look busier.

An online exhibition platform is recruiting members of the public to attend some of the UK’s leading exhibitions and events as crowd actors, who will be paid to populate an event or exhibition stand, to make it look busier than it is.
This service has been launched by ExpoCart, in the hopes it will be an effective solution for quiet stands and events, and a good way for members of the public to make some extra money ahead of Christmas.

Pay and Perks

Crowd actors will be paid £40 an hour as well as travel expenses, with the potential to earn up to £300 a day ahead of Christmas.

What’s more you get free entry to some possibly cool events. That sounds pretty great to us. Also standing feels so much better when you know your feet are earning you sweet, sweet monies.


The ideal candidate will be confident talking to strangers, and comfortable in busy environments. Applicants must be over the age of 18 and have the flexibility to work around the country with a full driving license.

Some acting jobs will include dressing in formal attire, as well as evening work. Events and exhibitions which will require crowd actors include trade shows, comedy gigs, wedding shows, and tech and consumer exhibitions.

Jasmine Eilfield, co-founder and CPO of ExpoCart, said,
“No one wants to give a talk to an empty audience, or visit an empty stand. So, we thought why not create a service that solves both these problems – customers are more inclined to engage with a business or person if somebody else already is, and on the flip side professionals can be confident knowing they are keeping up appearances!

“We’ve already got some actors signed up to the service, but after speaking to our event partners, we anticipate demand to be high, so need a lot more actors onboard. If you’re a confident person who wants to work in a flexible, varied job role, I encourage you to get in touch with us!”

Crowd actors will be paid £40 an hour, those interested in applying for the role can do so here:


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5 years ago

Hhmm very interesting indeed.

Jasmine Birtles

Your money-making expert. Financial journalist, TV and radio personality.

Jasmine Birtles

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