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Make £30k a year as a supercar scout

Moneymagpie Team 24th Jul 2019 One Comment

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Do you love cars? Do you really, really love cars and know a hell of a lot about them? Do you dream about cars? Do you think about cars all the time? Do you sometimes wish you were a car?

Well, if any of those apply to you (maybe not the last one) then we’ve found the job for you. We scoured the internet as we usually do, on the lookout for the craziest jobs going at the moment. This time we found one that isn’t actually that crazy, it’s just really cool. And if you like cars it’s perhaps the job you’ve always been waiting for.

We found the ad on HushHush.com, which calls itself the millionaires marketplace.

The Job Ad

This is what it says:

We are looking for a Supercar Scout to join our team to seek out and acquire abandoned supercars in the UAE for resale on our site.

No prior experience is required but applicants will need to be over 21 and have a full driving license. The successful candidate will be provided with accommodation in Dubai along with a living allowance, and travel expenses will also be covered.

The right candidate will need to have a great working knowledge of supercars, their rarity and approximate market value as well as the ability to track down owners or finance companies to negotiate acquisitions for us.

The successful candidate will also need to be able to work quickly and arrange for shipping of cars to our storage locations.

How to Apply

Sounds easy enough to us. In fact, there are definitely harder ways to rack up £30k in the bank. Of course, this job will only really be of interest to those who have the required expertise and that means LOVE CARS. Some people wouldn’t be much good at spotting a supercar even if it ran over their foot…

But for the rest of you, the car enthusiasts reading this, why not try your luck? You might even get to drive one…

Apply Now




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5 years ago

Petrol heads would love this!

Jasmine Birtles

Your money-making expert. Financial journalist, TV and radio personality.

Jasmine Birtles

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