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Make money freelancing online with Fiverr

Teresa Etheredge 7th Mar 2019 One Comment

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Freelancers just starting out often struggle to find customers. Understandably, potential clientele prefer to contact more established names than those who have yet to hit their second commission. So what’s the best way to get your name out there and let people know how much you can offer them? One top option is Fiverr.


What is Fiverr?

Fiverr is the brainchild of Micha Kaufman and Shai Wininger, an online marketplace and platform for freelancers and those looking to purchase their services. Although it’s just 9 years old, Fiverr has already facilitated the completion of over 25 million projects or ‘Gigs’, helping over 11 million businesses find their perfect freelancer.

What is a Gig?

Your Gigs are the services that you are selling on Fiverr. The site will designate you as a New Seller when you first join, and you will have the opportunity to create up to seven Gigs. You will be notified whenever someone places an order, whether by email or through the Fiverr app, and can use the Fiverr messaging system to discuss the details of what the client wants.

For example, if you want to set yourself up as a freelance stationary designer, you can offer separate Gigs for greetings cards, business cards and invitations.

what else do I need to know?

Within each Gig, if you choose you can offer separate packages at a range of different prices in order to provide more choice for your customers.

For example:

  • The Basic bundle may include only one design of a personalised birthday card.
  • The Standard could include one design plus a personalised envelope.
  • The Premium package could include two card designs, personalised envelopes and Happy Birthday! badges.

As the package becomes more tempting to the buyer, so your price can increase to reflect this.

You can also add optional Gig Extras that are available for an additional price, such as super-fast delivery or an extra number of revisions.

‘Revisions’ refers to the amount of times you are willing to revise your final product in order to more closely match the buyer’s specifications. This is an important part of your package, as many buyers like to know that they can tweak the product to be more in line with how they imagined it.


What services can you offer?

Almost anything, however niche, can find a spot on Fiverr! The obvious exceptions are anything illegal, pornographic, or infringing on copyright. The largest categories are business- and computer-oriented, including freelancers who specialise in:

• Video and animation services
• Photography
• Bug fixing
• Website building and programming
• Graphic design e.g. banner ads, logo or packaging design
• Social media marketing
• Web analytics
• CV and cover letter writing

There are also plenty of more unusual freelancers out there. Could you provide:

• Video game coaching?
• Celebrity impersonation?
• Love potions or the banishment of black magic?
• Commissioned poetry?
• Personalised Hogwarts’ acceptance letters?
• Exorcism services?
• Unique tattoo designs?

Whatever you can do, someone else can’t and is willing to pay money for it! Creativity and determination are two essential qualities for success in freelancing.

Graphic design


How can you increase your uptake on Fiverr?

Your profile

Your profile is essential for getting customers. This is what they will check out before contacting you, so make sure it really showcases your talents, reliability and qualifications.

After filling in your personal details (which potential buyers won’t be able to see), it’s time to show them the kind of person you are. A clear profile picture and focused description of you and your expertise are excellent ways to establish you as friendly and professional.

Next up, you should discuss your skills and education. Don’t hold back! Buyers want to know that they are dealing with an experienced and intelligent individual. However, do try to keep it relevant; nobody will care about your B in A-Level Food Technology when they’re looking to hire a business analyst.

Custom offers

Sometimes a buyer hasn’t the time to go trawling through the site looking for their perfect freelancer, and instead creates a request. You now have the opportunity to create a custom package that you can contact the buyer with, modifying it to match their preferences to increase your likelihood of getting hired.

Level status

As you gradually gain a reputation on Fiverr, your Level status will be updated accordingly. As mentioned above, you will begin as a New Seller, able to offer a maximum of seven Gigs.

By meeting various requirements such as earning a certain amount of money and being active for a set number of days, you will automatically advance to Level One, Level Two and then someone will decide if you deserve to be a Top Rated Seller.

This will bring you a number of benefits, such as
• The option to offer a greater number of Gigs and Gig Extras
• Priority and later VIP Customer Support
• Eligibility to be promoted in Fiverr emails and ads
• Receive your earnings quicker

As well as being able to offer a greater range of services to your customers, the logo that will then be attached to your account will act as a validation of your trustworthiness and reliability, encouraging potential buyers to make contact.

Fiverr pro

Fiverr describes this exclusive group of sellers as their “Top quality, hand-picked professionals, trusted by the world’s biggest brands.” And when they say “biggest brands”, they mean it. Some of these Pros have been hired by:

  • Apple
  • Vogue
  • Target
  • Maserati
  • Coca-Cola

…to name just a few.

Fiverr Pro works slightly differently to the rest of the site as the length of time that you have been active is irrelevant – you don’t even need an account to apply.

The application form is on the website (you can find it here) and is very straightforward, interested in what you yourself would find interesting about your work. Many apply, but few are successful – this is for those at the very top of their game. And of course, the money you make will reflect that.

Excited? You better be.


How much money can you make?

The base starting price for all services is $5 or £3.97, to be increased as much as you deem necessary. There are no subscription fees or anything to pay before you get started, just 20% from each payment to go towards administration costs.

Ultimately, the amount you get paid is entirely dependent on the time that you invest. Make sure that your profile is professional, your portfolio of past work is high quality and your packages are neither under-priced nor unreasonably expensive in comparison to the other sellers.

If you’re a newbie and not sure how best to sell yourself, then Fiverr has a great selection of online classes and helpful videos to steady the ground beneath your feet.

Some only ever imagine freelancing as casual work, taking second place to a full-time job, and this is what suits many people. The question we would ask now is, which do you prefer?

If the services you offer as a freelancer are what you genuinely enjoy but you’re not convinced you could make it in the big time, then it’s time to read this article here: How to Make Six Figures on Fiverr.

Do you have a similar success story, whether with Fiverr or another freelancing site? Share it with everyone in the comments section below!

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5 years ago

Fiverr sounds very useful for freelancing.

Jasmine Birtles

Your money-making expert. Financial journalist, TV and radio personality.

Jasmine Birtles

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