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You’ve been left an inheritance – what now?

Moneymagpie Team 23rd Jun 2021 No Comments

So, your loved one has died. Now what?

Navigating the issues of inheritance and probate can be confusing – and it happens at the most-stressful time of our lives, too.

That’s why we’ve partnered with inheritance lending specialist Tower Street Finance to bring you this easy guide, designed to help you understand the financial issues when someone close to you dies.

In this eBook we explain:

  • The difference between executors and beneficiaries (and who does what)
  • Explain what probate is and how long it can take
  • If you’re an executor, how to pay an inheritance tax bill
  • What happens when you inherit a property
  • Who is responsible for the debts of the deceased
  • What happens when someone dies without a will
  • And much more!

To download your FREE eBook simply fill in the form below (or log in and click the DOWNLOAD link):


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Jasmine Birtles

Your money-making expert. Financial journalist, TV and radio personality.

Jasmine Birtles

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