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How it works

  1. Create your Magpie Money Account.
  2. Browse through our list of offers.
  3. Complete an offer.
  4. Collect Magpies.
  5. When you have accumulated enough Magpies you can exchange them for rewards in our rewards shop.

You can also earn lots of Magpies through our forum (see below).


easy ways to Collect magpies

Easy way number 1: just visit us!

You will collect 1 Magpie every day that you login.

Make us your homepage and you will gain a Magpie every time you open your browser!


Easy way number 2: tell us what you think

For every comment you write on an article you will get 1 Magpie.

You can collect a maximum of 1 Magpie per article that you comment on and a total of 5 Magpies per day across all articles you comment on.

But no spam please. Spammers get minus points. Spam, advertising or inappropriate comments (you know what those are) will result in a -5 Magpie deduction. You have been warned!


Easy Way Number 3: Get involved in our forum

Our new forum is a great way to earn Magpies!

Earn 5 Magpies for every new topic you start. For every like the topic gets, you earn another Magpie.

Gain 1 Magpie for each reply you give.


You’ll lose 5 Magpies if your reply or topic is deleted by an admin – which means you need to stay on-topic, friendly, and helpful with other forum users.


Easy way number 4: complete offers

You can make serious amounts of Magpies if you do the activities on our offer page. Take a look at the list of easy things to do where you can make up to 200 Magpies in one go.

Check each offer page to see if there are daily limits. Most offers can only be completed either once, or once per day.

a funny twist…

When you click on the “Collect Magpies” button to complete an offer, 1 Magpie will be subtracted from your account. This is then added back to your account – along with all the lovely Magpies you’ve just gained for completing the offer – once we have confirmation that the offer has been completed successfully.

Magpies will be credited to your account as soon as we receive notification from our partner that the offer has been completed. This can take up to 3 days so you might have to be a bit patient. Sorry.

Oh and offers are only valid for UK residents over the age of 18.


how do i get my hands on the actual cash?

Good question!

Once you know you have enough Magpies to grab yourself a cool £5 voucher, go to the Rewards Shop and buy it.

Your lovely voucher will be delivered to you within 7 days of buying it in the Rewards Shop.


Find out the rules

You are protected by our guarantees and our rules. For more information please read Magpie Money Terms and Conditions.


Jasmine Birtles

Your money-making expert. Financial journalist, TV and radio personality.

Jasmine Birtles