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How to make money from Firework Night

Nadia Krige 26th Oct 2022 2 Comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Remember, remember the 5th of November… it’s Firework Night, of course!

While it’s been sad to wave summer goodbye, winter and autumn aren’t all bad. I mean, let’s face it, the chilly seasons do have a host of fun holidays to get excited about.

There’s Halloween, Christmas, New Year’s Eve and, of course, Firework Night. Also known as Guy Fawkes or Bonfire Night, this annual celebration commemorates a foiled attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I in 1605. In celebration of the king’s survival and the arrest of Guy Fawkes – the main conspirator – people lit bonfires in the street.

Four centuries later, the tradition amazingly remains. While you will no longer find bonfires lit in the streets willy-nilly these days, people still commemorate the occasion with fireworks displays, parades and bonfires.

Just like most other holidays, Firework Night also offers a wealth of opportunities to make some extra cash.

Here are five ideas to get you started:


Host a public Firework Night party

How to make money from Firework Night

Love Firework Night, but live somewhere it hardly exists?

Well here’s your opportunity to literally bring the fire by hosting the inaugural Guy Fawkes party.

Firstly, you’d need to find a suitable location that will allow some sparks to fly. Maybe an open field at a safe distance from houses and businesses. Or perhaps an abandoned parking lot, an old warehouse… or if you’re really brave, your backyard.

Do keep in mind that – depending on the bylaws in your area – you might not be allowed to have a full-blown firework display, but that doesn’t stop you from lighting a couple of super safe bonfires.

Once you’ve found the location, it’s time to make contact with the owners and pitch your idea – which, let’s face it, might be the hardest part of the entire process. If you manage to gain permission, start putting your plans for an awesome event in place!

Work out your cover charge by considering how much you spent on rental of the property, décor, fireworks (if you have permission), a pyrotechnician, bundles of wood for bonfires, food, drinks etc.

Make use of social media and local newspapers, radio stations and television channels to help spread the word.


Sell traditional Firework Night treats

Quite the firecracker in the kitchen? Earn some extra cash on Firework Night by making and selling special treats.

Some popular traditional treats include Bonfire Toffee (traditionally handed out to children on the night); Baked potatoes; Toffee Apples and Parkin Cake.

If a big event is happening in your city or town, consider setting up a little stall on the festival grounds. Alternatively, you can make treats to order for other people’s Firework Night parties.

Get some extra inspiration by reading this article on how to cash in on catering.


Entertain kids

Simply bursting with energy? Have a knack for keeping kids occupied for hours? Parents will pay good money to have their children entertained while they revel in the snap, crackle and pop of Firework Night.

Host a fire-themed craft evening and charge a small fee for every participating child to cover the costs of your supplies, and also make a bit of a profit.

From toilet paper roll rockets to autumn leaf bonfire collages, there are loads of fun craft ideas that kids will love.

If your childminding skills are a bit rusty, read our article on how to make money by babysitting.


Look after other people’s pets

How to make money from Firework Night

As much as we love the spectacle of a good fireworks display, we can’t say as much for our furry friends.

Firework Night can be a truly traumatic experience for cats, dogs and all manner of domestic pets (let alone the poor little creatures of the woods).

If you adore animals and want to be a comforting presence on the evening, offer to pet sit for neighbours who are out for the evening or maybe away on holiday over this date.

Here’s a quick guide on how to go about setting up a pet sitting business.


Offer a lift service

If you’re a teetotaller who loves being part of the revelry, you probably often end up in the position of designated Dave.

That’s probably totally cool with you, but have you ever considered making a bit of extra cash driving people from party to party?

If not, give it a try this Firework Night! Charge a small fee to get neighbours and friends safely from point A to point B and back again.

Here are a few other ideas to make money with your car.


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2 years ago

I think you may need to check in with your car insurer if you are going to drive people around for money, bit like a taxi service, am not sure what would happen if you had an accident and your passengers were injured?

5 years ago

I like the idea of looking after pets, but overall I think that all loud fireworks should be banned.

Jasmine Birtles

Your money-making expert. Financial journalist, TV and radio personality.

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