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Make £300 before the weekend!

Isobel Lawrance 15th Feb 2023 No Comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Make £300 before the weekend with these money making opportunities.
It is our mission to help readers make, save and manage money. That’s why we love to tell you about money-making opportunities we hear about. A good friend of MoneyMagpie sent us two opportunities to make some good money this week.
Mel is a journalist who is undertaking two investigative pieces and needs people to speak with this week. Find out more about the opportunities below.


Here is what Mel says:
“I’m a journalist working on a sensitive feature for a national newspaper about UK women who are staying with their partner for financial reasons. It’s not that you’re extremely unhappy or anything bad has happened, just that without any financial constraints you might have decided to part ways as you suspect you’d be happier apart and moving on to pastures new.
“I would need you to be identified for the article and to provide photographs and probably need a comment from your other half acknowledging it too. I am more than happy to read the article back to you prior to publication.
“You would be paid £300. If this is you and you’d be happy to appear in a tabloid newspaper please do email me on [email protected].”

did you cheat on your partner after watching a rom-com?

Here is what Mel says:
URGENT….did you cheat on your partner after watching a rom-com?
I’m looking for a UK woman to be interviewed today (15 February 2023) about how watching a rom-com made you deeply dissatisfied with your relationship and caused you to cheat or leave. Perhaps it made you realise how stale your relationship had become, or perhaps someone cheated in a film and that made you want to do it. Perhaps you just craved more romance in your life.
It doesn’t need to be in your current relationship – could have happened in the past. If this is you and you’re happy to be appear in a tabloid newspaper with a photograph please do email me on [email protected]. I will read the article back prior to publication and you will be paid £200.
If either of these money-makers appeal to you, contact Mel at [email protected].

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Your money-making expert. Financial journalist, TV and radio personality.

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