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Reader’s Story: How I make money from magazines and competitions

Rachel Hazelwood 15th Mar 2023 No Comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Recently we did a call out offering MoneyMagpie readers the fun chance to earn a bit of extra cash. To launch our series we begin with one reader who makes a little extra money by entering competitions as well as writing letters, sending photos and tips to magazines. (And she’s getting £25 for this story too!)

Here at MoneyMagpie we often feature articles about how you can earn a bit of money on the side by doing exactly what Lisette from Nairn does! Sometimes we get asked if making money from writing into magazines and entering competitions is actually a thing? We’re here to tell you that yes it is and Lisette’s story is proof…

Queen of Competitions!

Lisette Davidson from Nairn in Scotland isn’t only the Queen of Competitions, in our opinion she’s also the Monarch of Magazines!

Lisette sends household tips, moneymaking ideas, funny photos and anecdotes into magazines like Yours, Take a Break and My Weekly. For these she regularly receives £10, £25 and £40 in cheques. She was also recently paid £100 for a “bite size” story in Fate & Fortune magazine.

That’s not all. As Lisette explains, “I had a little article published in Quids In! magazine where I was dubbed the “Queen of Competitions” – that is the other string to my bow, winning cash prizes in competitions. Before Christmas I won a £100 Town & City Centre Gift Card with a creative competition on Instagram, this month I have had a £25 win, and in November I had a £50 win.”

We are so impressed with Lisette’s side hustle. As she says, all of this adds up, “I tend to try to put the money aside for unexpected things such as birthdays, Christmas, and a little household fund. It’s really useful to know there is a little extra coming in and lovely to get cheques in the post instead of bills!”

We couldn’t agree more… If you also have an interesting way you have made or saved some money recently then click here to find out how to send us your story and earn £25. It could be the start of great little earner!

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