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Moneymagpie Team 10th Oct 2023 No Comments

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Imagine having a beautiful family with sporty teens, doing laundry can be really tasking and endless.

Going from sweaty practice jerseys to mud-caked uniforms, and regular everyday clothes, it’ll literally feel like the washing machine and dryer have been running with a break.

The sad reality of all these is, as the laundry seems to never have an end, the expenses associated with it also grows.

Thankfully, families can employ some smart strategies to help them save money while ensuring that their active teens always have access to fresh and clean clothing.

If you are wondering how this can be possible, here’s a breakdown of how it can be achieved:

  1. The Value of Full Loads
  2. Cold Washes: A Game Changer
  3. Detergent Dos and Don’ts
  4. DIY Detergents
  5. The Power of Air Drying
  6. Maintenance: The Unsung Hero
  7. Investing in Quality
  8. Mastering Spot Treatment
  9. Optimal Drying Practices
  10. Understanding Off-Peak Times
  11. The Benefits of Energy-Efficient Appliances
  12. Bulk Buying: A Long-Term Saving Strategy
  13. Maximizing Fabric Softener Sheets
  14. Rethinking Fabric Softener
  15. The Pre-Soak Routine
  16. Empowering Sporty Teens

1. The Value of Full Loads

Now, it is normal to want to wash those sweaty jerseys immediately after use, but waiting until they’re a handful can help you save both water and energy and have been sitting in laundry baskets for a period.

This approach is effective because it ensures that you not only maximize the use of your machine, but it will also ensure that you do not waste your detergent and energy, washing sweaty Jerseys every time.

2. Cold Washes: A Game Changer

Even though it seems using hot water can be super helpful for tough sports stains, the fact is, and cold water can also be just as effective, especially if you’re using the right detergent. So instead of using hot water, it’s best to opt for cold water so you can significantly reduce your energy bill.

3. Detergent Dos and Don’ts

It can tempting to use more detergent to get cleaner clothes, but using more detergent won’t equate to cleaner clothes. In fact, when you use too much detergent, you only end up wasting it and will result in residues on the clothes.

When you use the recommended amount or even a little less, you’ll see that your detergent will most likely last longer, thereby helping you save costs over time.

4. DIY Detergents

DIY detergents have been gaining so much popularity in recent times. Most families have turned to making their own laundry detergent recipes, which are usually easy to make and have cost-effective ingredients. These homemade detergent mixtures can even be eco-friendly and cheap.

5. The Power of Air Drying

We cannot deny the fact that using a dryer is convenient, but air drying also has several benefits that families can take advantage of. Some of these benefits are energy costs, prolonging the life of sportswear, and even preserving the integrity of elastic in many athletic garments.

So if you’re using an outdoor clothesline or an indoor drying rack, bamboo furniture is also a good bet too and the savings can quickly add up.

6. Maintenance: The Unsung Hero

Regular washing machine maintenance is an aspect of laundry that is often overlooked. You can do this by cleaning the lint trap after each load because it is important for dryer efficiency. What it does is it’ll ensure all your clothes dry faster and the machine operates at peak performance. Also, regularly checking and cleaning the washer will prevent potential cost repairs and replacements in the future.

7. Investing in Quality

In the beginning, it might seem like a lot, but intentionally investing in quality sportswear is a smart financial move, especially in the long run.

The good thing about having items that are of great quality is they’ll typically withstand frequent washing and wear-and-tear better, thereby reducing the frequency of the need for replacements.

8. Mastering Spot Treatment

When washing sports Jerseys, you need to realise that not every soil or stain needs a full wash. You have to learn spot treating effectively so reduce the number of clothes you need to wash. It will help you conserve water, detergent, and energy.

In addition, it can even extend the life of the clothes because you’ve reduced the washing frequency.

9. Optimal Drying Practices

Apart from the cost you have to deal with when over-drying, there’s the chance that the clothes will wear out.  Clothes that are dried excessively can fade faster, lose their shape, or even become damaged. So, you should consider optimizing the amount of time you dry clothes to save both the clothes and the money that would have been used for replacements.

10. Understanding Off-Peak Times

The cost of utility can change based on their peak periods. So familiarize yourself with the off-peak hours and running larger appliances like washers and dryers during these times, so you can take advantage of reduced rates.

11. The Benefits of Energy-Efficient Appliances

For those that want to get new appliances, you should opt for energy-efficient models. Even though they might be expensive for a start, they will offer savings in the long run.

Over the years, the reductions in energy bills can more than makeup for the initial outlay.

12. Bulk Buying: A Long-Term Saving Strategy

Just like other goods, you should consider buying laundry in bulk because they’re cheaper.

This not only helps you to reduce the per-unit cost of detergent or softener, but it also means you get to have fewer shopping trips and less packaging waste.

13. Maximizing Fabric Softener Sheets

While some might toss a fabric softener sheet after one use, these sheets can be really effective for two or more loads. Halving usage can mean you’ll get to save 50% over time.

14. Rethinking Fabric Softener

Most sportswear, especially technical fabrics react poorly to fabric softeners. When you reduce or eliminate use, you’ll get to save money and also ensure that the athletic garments maintain their performance attributes.

15. The Pre-Soak Routine

Now, we cannot ignore the fact that some sports stains can be really tough.

If you find yourself in this situation, instead of running multiple wash cycles hoping to get rid of these stubborn stains, try doing a pre-soak routine.

This will help you save water, energy and the chances of wear and tear on your garments.

16. Empowering Sporty Teens

While you’re doing the laundry, take it upon yourself to also educate young athletes on how to care for their gear. Teach them how to grate stains, air out equipment, and even do their own laundry. This is important because you’re not only equipping them with valuable life skills but also potentially reducing the family’s laundry burden.


By implementing the above tips, your family will get to become more aware of the proper measures needed for cleaning clothes, carefully handling them to prevent fading and even save a lot while they’re at it. Kids will get dirty and games will end up being like the rugby world cup, but it doesn’t mean clothes can’t be cleaned.

The truth is, it can be really stressful to do laundry with an active teens, but using the right approach will ensure it doesn’t have to be something to break the bank over.

Disclaimer: MoneyMagpie is not a licensed financial advisor and therefore information found here including opinions, commentary, suggestions or strategies are for informational, entertainment or educational purposes only. This should not be considered as financial advice. Anyone thinking of investing should conduct their own due diligence.

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Jasmine Birtles

Your money-making expert. Financial journalist, TV and radio personality.

Jasmine Birtles

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