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Smart Strategies for Saving Money on Your Daily Coffee Fix

Moneymagpie Team 19th Sep 2023 No Comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A little splurge here and there is healthy for the mind, body, and soul. But if you are finding that your daily coffee habit is putting too much pressure on your budget, there’s a lot you can do to make it a cheaper and equally pleasurable experience. We are here today with some top tips to help you save on your daily coffee fix.

Invest at Home

If you’re already rocking a sweet home brew setup for your coffee (and you actually use it), you can skip this tip. However, many of us are guilty of spending too much outside the home. For the costs of grabbing a sub-par takeaway coffee daily, you could soon invest in a fantastic home grinder and coffee machine (or do it all-in-one with a bean-to-cup machine if you prefer).

Additionally, you could find a far better taste experience waiting for you! You will have start-to-finish control of the quality and freshness of your coffee beans and can experiment with different beans and brews to your heart’s content for considerably less. Your tastebuds and wallet will thank you. And don’t forget you can home cold brew just as well (if not better than) the shops, too. It’s a simple skill.

Get the Best Value from Your Home Coffee Station

With a sweet home setup to enjoy, let’s make sure you’re getting the best bang for your buck from it- you need that extra cash to buy those exotic new coffee beans you’ve been craving!

Skip the Upsell

If you’re still setting up your home coffee station, then it is important to start with a good idea of what you really need and want from your coffee machine. If there’s a feature or two you can’t live without, it is worth splurging, and it is always good to invest in quality. However, don’t get caught up in the hype! Unless you see yourself genuinely using and enjoying a feature, don’t upgrade just to have it. Midrange and solid-quality coffee machines will give you many cups of fantastic coffee to enjoy.  If you love espresso-based drinks, consider investing in an espresso machine. Over time, it will be far more cost-effective than buying individual lattes or cappuccinos.

Buy Bulk Coffee Beans

Tame the costs of your home brew even further by buying in bulk and watching out for great specials. Especially if you are a high-volume drinker. Be sure to store the beans in an airtight container in a cool, dry, dark place to preserve maximum freshness.

Add the Flavour

If you feel like the home experience needs to be boring, think again! There are plenty of ready-made coffee syrups on the shelves you can take home with you. Or experiment with flavourings like cinnamon, vanilla extract, or cocoa powder for a cheap yet perfect treat.

Think Ahead

Struggling to break the coffee-buying habit? Splurge on a nice thermos or travel mug, and ‘meal prep’ it so you remember to take it with you- and aren’t so tempted to spend money outside your home.

Cheaper Buys from Coffee Shops

Of course, no matter how much we love our home coffee station, there are going to be times when you want to buy a coffee on the go instead. Whether you’re craving a treat from your favourite artisanal coffee shop, or find yourself stuck somewhere in need of a pep-me-up. Here are some ways to bring the price down when you do.

Reusable Cup

Many shops will allow you a discount if you bring a reusable cup, especially if they’re offering the option for environmental reasons.

Keep It Simple

For the most part, syrups, whipped cream, and toppings are just calorie-heavy extras used to disguise poor-tasting coffee. Keep to simple, basic coffees with milk to keep costs down and your waistline lean. And consider training your taste buds on the many nuances of high-quality coffee beans instead of relying on the sugary stuff.

Leverage Loyalty

Watch out for apps with discounts, loyalty programs, deals, and coupons. These will help you get your caffeine fix for much less, and can really add up with time.

Stick to the Plan

Set aside a coffee budget for every month as part of your costs. Then stick to it, which could be the hard part! As soon as you start tracking your expenses and taking ownership of them, it will be easier to adjust your behaviour to suit your budget. There are plenty of easy-to-use budget apps out there to help.

Skip the Vending Machine

Surprisingly, vending coffee machines are often far more expensive than even walk-in cafes and shops. And being brutal? It’s about the worst quality coffee you could get, too. Even the office drip filter can provide a better experience. Save your cash for a nice brew made with real coffee beans instead.

Making coffee at home, leveraging smart opportunities, and keeping a careful eye on your spending habits is the perfect way to cut your coffee costs without depriving yourself of your favourite morning ritual.

Disclaimer: MoneyMagpie is not a licensed financial advisor and therefore information found here including opinions, commentary, suggestions or strategies are for informational, entertainment or educational purposes only. This should not be considered as financial advice. Anyone thinking of investing should conduct their own due diligence.

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Jasmine Birtles

Your money-making expert. Financial journalist, TV and radio personality.

Jasmine Birtles

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