10th Jul 2020
It’s always nice to have some new faces in your life. Have you ever thought about hosting a foreign exchange student? You probably should, having a student, or even a university lecturer in your home can be a really rewarding experience for everyone involved! Also, there are ways you can make even more money with…
11th Jun 2020
Freelancers often operate on a shoestring budget – especially when they’re first starting out. It doesn’t matter if you’ve just started your new freelance career, or you’re already years into it: there are always new ways for you to save money. From remembering what you can write off on your taxes to using free trials…
2nd May 2020
Many of us are adapting to working from home instead of going to the office every day. Did you know that you can claim tax back on some things – and a home working allowance, too? There are so many ways you can save money working from home! Many employers are set to keep remote…
30th Apr 2020
Cash flow is tricky at the best of times for the self-employed – but now more than ever, freelancers and contractors are feeling the pinch. Without the option of furlough to support your income during the coronavirus crisis, and a limited Self-Employed Income Support Scheme, cash flow management is more essential than ever before. Discover…
4th Mar 2020
We can’t ignore the rise in coronavirus warnings this week. But what does self-isolation actually mean for you – and your finances – and how can you prepare for it? The Government predicts that, during a COVID-19 pandemic peak, as many as one fifth of the UK workforce will be sick at the same time….
21st Feb 2020
Want to cut down on those un-fun monthly spends that it’s impossible to completely avoid? This handy list of money-saving tips for families will help you combat those soaring fuel, energy and food bills that seem to drain your bank account every month. Trimming the fat off of wasteful habits can really add up to…
20th Feb 2020
Here’s our selection of the best products to save you money on your laundry, cleaning and cooking costs. There are lots of clever products out there and all at great prices. So read on to find out how to save energy and your money – from ovens that use 80% less energy, to eco-balls for your…
9th Feb 2020
Saving money is important, we all know that. But it also just takes a lot of effort and hard work! However there are some lazy ways to save money. Are you looking for a work-around, a way to not cheat the system, but tip the scales to your favour, but without exerting too much effort?…
8th Feb 2020
Since we want you to be a savvy saver, our main advice will always be to switch supplier and use comparison sites to save on your bills. But if you really can’t be bothered – and lots of you tell us you can’t – there are other ways to save money. Easy ways to be…
23rd Dec 2019
So you want to be green but feel you can’t afford it? Well that’s where you are wrong, you can actually SAVE money by being green! It’s easy and, sometimes, fun too. There are lots more green gadgets around now to make being green even easier too. Here are some easy tips and great gadgets…
13th Nov 2019
Find out how to be poor. Don’t build up wealth. Don’t have a rich retirement. Make sure you are poor and anxious for the rest of your life. Here are great ways to do that!
19th Mar 2019
You know what it’s like when you’re trying to do smart spending, saving money here and there, but you find that some of your decisions have meant you’ve made false economies? Maybe you’ve gone for a cheap iron and found that it just didn’t do the job properly. Or you bought a cheap air ticket…