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FREE Sticker Book and Pens

Charli 29th Jan 2018 No Comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

An exciting freebie for kids! Lee Valley are giving away FREE Activity Packs, including a free Sticker Book, Pens and so much more.

Enter your details on the form linked and get exploring today. Your colouring book will lead to lots of fun and exciting adventures when you visit Lee Valley.

There is lots to see and do, including a farm where your little ones can pet their favourite livestock, visit the Lee Valley Boat Centre, and even enjoy a picnic as a family, whilst enjoying their lovely, scenic views – sounds fabulous!

Find out what they have to offer here.


What is it?

Lee Valley Activities Banner

Lee Valley have made it easy to keep your kids entertained throughout the year!

Their handy activity planner will give you hours of fun exploring their venues and getting a taste of all the different activities they have to offer. First things first, register for your FREE activity pack today and they will send you a pack bursting with stickers, goodies and more!

Once you’ve received it you can get going on your Lee Valley adventure… Explore scenic routes with natural play pieces, meet the animals at Lee Valley Park Farms, enjoy a picnic in one of our many open spaces, make a splash at Lee Valley Boat Centre, or take in a birds eye view from the ArcelorMittal Orbit. There’s so much to do and the activity pack will make sure you don’t miss a thing!

Looking for answers? If you’ve already received your activity pack and taken part in the Art Detectives activity sheet check out the answers to see if you’re right!

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