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WeBuyBooks acts to ease the cost of living crisis with biggest voucher to date

Vicky Parry 10th Mar 2023 No Comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This is a paid report on behalf of WeBuyBooks

It seems that just about everything has gone up in price, from utility bills and fuel to council tax and food shopping. Unfortunately, this has made it increasingly difficult for many people to make ends meet. In recognition of this, WeBuyBooks took action to help ease the burden of the cost of living crisis and support those who need it most by launching their most successful voucher campaign ever, to help those struggling earn even more money on their sale. 

Selling your unwanted stuff has always been a quick and easy way to boost your bank balance, but it seemed that now more than ever,  WeBuyBooks was really needed to help people make some extra cash. With that in mind, they wanted to give our customers as much as we possibly could for the items they sell.  

So, in February 2023 WeBuyBooks launched a voucher which gave customers 30% extra for selling their unwanted books, CDs, DVDs, and games. This voucher gave users 30% more than WeBuyBooks’ usual cash offer, making it their biggest bonus to date. 

WeBuyBooks’ Marketing Manager, Ben, says, “We understand that the cost of living crisis is becoming a real challenge for some. We’d like to support those who need to boost their income in any way we can, and we hope that this voucher will make a difference.” 

“We understand that this is a small gesture, but every little helps, and we hope that this voucher will provide some much-needed relief for those who are struggling,” added Ben. “We appreciate the loyalty of our valued customers and will continue to do everything we can to help those in need through these challenging times.” 

As a company, WeBuyBooks have always placed high value on helping others, with a long history of community outreach and charity partnerships. Their generous offer has been repaid, as February 2023 was a record-breaking month with over 15,000 offers and nearly half a million books sold. Close to 9,000 people used the voucher code, which is a success story even if it made only a small difference to people’s lives. Throughout February, the company paid out a whopping £462,000 at a time when families needed it the most.  

You can download the app on IOS or Android to get an instant cash offer for your items, or find out more about how the service works. 

For more tips to boost your income, you can also check out the Make Money section of their blog. 

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