Moth-proofing and moth prevention for your clothes

Moth-proofing your winter clothes as you put them away for the summer is essential.
It’s the winter clothes that are particularly attractive to moths as they love wool and other natural fibres and it’s winter clothes that have the most material for them to get their ‘teeth’ into.
Lakeland’s solutions Buyer, Lisa, says, ‘Clothes moths thrive in mild winters. Moths and their larvae will die in freezing conditions, so our recent mild winters and springs have meant they have happily multiplied and made their way into our homes. It’s the Tineola bisselliella variety of moth that are after our clothes and carpets! These small, light coloured moths do not like light (unlike most moths) and tend to scuttle and jump rather than fly.’
Happily there are lots more moth-prevention products and systems than there used to be, including a big range at Lakeland, so you really can save your cashmere and lambswool so that they’re wearable next winter.
There are also clever ways to store your clothes for moth-prevention as you will find out below:
- 1. Wash everything first
- 2. Moth proof your clothes with products
- 3. Avoid plastic dry cleaning bags
- 4. Invest in sealed storage
- 5. Keep your clothes smelling fresh
- 6. Use clever storage for moth proofing
1. Wash everything first
“The biggest mistake a lot of us make is putting worn clothes into storage” according to Kirsty Oakes of Hammonds Furniture. “However, there is nothing moths and bacteria enjoy more than the smell of sweet perfume or the remnants of food. So pop everything in the washer and ensure they are completely dry before storing them.”
Now that could sound like a bit of a chore all in one go but there are ways to make it easier on yourself. For a start, not all of your clothes will necessarily need washing.
Check them all first. Then, do as much in the machine as possible and get them dried quickly to cut down on the clutter. Lakeland sell wonderful heated dryers like this one for £109.99 and they cost less than 6p an hour to run, take a look here. For a cheaper alternative John Lewis sell this 3 tier Clothes Airer for under £50, and it takes up minimal storage space too.
2. moth-proofing your clothes with products
Lakeland Customer Ambassador Wendy Miranda says ‘When it comes to protecting your best knits from moths, Lakeland’s exclusive Moth Stop range is scientifically proven to provide safe, long-lasting protection against moths and larvae. Available in a sachet, spray and trap, from £3.99; allowing you to choose a suitable treatment for wherever your clothes are being stored.”
It’s worth taking a look at Lakeland’s moth repellent selection here and working out what is best for you. if you want cast-iron moth-prevention, spray the clothes first and then add in the sachets when they’re in the storage bags or boxes.
These 20 Wilko Cedar Moth Balls are just £2.50 and are made of 100 per cent cedar wood, which naturally repels moths and insects.
3. Avoid plastic dry cleaning bags
“Plastic seriously traps moisture,” says Kirsty Oakes, “so if you had anything dry cleaned then make sure you take it out of the bag. Otherwise you risk the fibres staining your clothes yellow from the trapped moist air in the bag.”
This underbed storage chest from Amazon is made from strong woven polyester which allows your clothes to breathe and fits neatly out of sight under your bed. It’s ideal for storing out of season bedding or clothing. Lakeland also have some great under the bed storage options. These jumbo storage totes are big enough to store a king-size duvet and four pillows!
4. Invest in sealed storage
After washing and folding your clothes, have sealable storage boxes or bags at the ready. Make sure there is a small gap between the top of the storage box and the lid to allow airflow to the clothes.
For more delicate items, remove all protective plastic and pop them into cotton garment bags.
These 5 Plastic Storage Boxes from Amazon are perfect for storing clothes and can be kept under your bed or on top of your wardrobe for a clutter free room. You can also get cheap cotton garment bags from Amazon, 3 for £13.50.
5. Keep your clothes smelling fresh
“Lay clothing as flat as possible to avoid wrinkle damage and layer scented tissue paper or dryer sheets carefully between each item to keep them smelling fresh.”
These Lavender Scented Sachets come in a pack of 5 for just £2.50 and will protect clothes and linens when placed in drawers, wardrobes or airing cupboards.
Wilko’s pack of 6 scented drawer liners are also a good option. Effective for up to eight weeks, the wardrobe liners can be placed in any storage, airing cupboard or suitcase and will lightly fragrance your clothing.
You can also buy these 20 Moth stop sachets for £4.49 which can be placed in a drawer, suit pocket or bag, each sachet lasts up to 3 months and indicates when it needs replacing.
6.Use clever storage for moth-proofing
Homes are getting smaller so we have to be ever more inventive when it comes to putting things away for a few months.
Take a look at B&Q’s versatile range of storage solutions that are pretty reasonably-priced.
Lakeland also have some great storage systems for your wardrobes and drawers.
For the inside of your wardrobe you can use these Moth stop hangers for £4.99 from LakeLand to stop moths in their tracks before they can feast on your fashion.
These hangers are scientifically proven to provide safe, long-lasting protection against moths and – more importantly – their eggs and larvae, while the lavender perfume with natural oils ensures your garments remain freshly scented. Hang on a rail and they’ll keep clothes moth-free for up to 6 months and an indicator reminds you when it’s time to replace.
did moth-proofing not work? What can you do?
Don’t you just love the internet? This is exactly where it comes into its own.
There are loads of tips online about how to deal with moth holes from this Pinterest page to Youtube videos showing you how to mend them to a host of clever, pretty and hard-wearing items you can buy to sew or glue over the holes. You can search ‘sequin appliqué‘ items on eBay or cool patches on Amazon.
It’s not the end of the world if your favourite jumper has a hole or two – you can even make it into a feature – but better to stop it before it happens if you can.
Happy moth-beating!
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