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5 Simple Ways to Make Extra Money Over the Easter Break

Vicky Parry 11th Apr 2022 No Comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Make Extra Money. People always need a hand at home, around the garden or with daily tasks, and similarly, people always need some quick money they can make from home.

So here are five ways you can earn some extra pocket money this Easter, by putting your skills to good use.

Help Someone Move House

Moving House

Whether it’s providing homeowners with unwanted cardboard boxes from supermarkets, taking old electrical items off for recycling or selling, or loading up a van and moving someone to their new house, you could make a tidy sum with this favour, which some people dread because of its prohibitive cost, heavy lifting and general pain associated with moving house items around.

TaskRabbit help connect taskers with customers, so join up and help out, while earning yourself some good money.

Write TV, game or film reviews

write reviews

There are many film review websites, and similarly for games and TV shows, which are looking for writers to review things they’ve watched or consumed at home.

Viggle is an app that awards you Perk Points every time you sit down to watch a program or stream a show online.

Sell your phone photos

Sell phone photos

We’ve all seen the meme with the man checking out the woman who looks exactly like his annoyed partner. Well, that’s a stock photo that really took off, but it started out as a simple photo for use by online feature writers. The photographic equivalent of clip art, stock photos are used in their millions every day, and are in high demand. Foap is set up so that when a brand, agency or just anyone who finds your work outstanding purchases a video or photo from your online Foap portfolio, they share the profit with you 50/50. If you are out and about enjoying the Easter weekend then take some snaps and see if you can make some extra money.

Market Research


Every company needs market research, but it is difficult knowing where to start. Gigwalk offer easy payment for small errande (example: Find out the cost of easter eggs at your local supermarket) .Whether you’re looking for a little spending money or want to earn an entire extra paycheck. Work when and where you want to – you can even start making money today by carrying out walkable tasks in your hometown.

Spring clean over the easter hols and get your stuff up for sale

Paid for your stuff

Springtime is when most people have a good clear-out of their shelves, cupboards and under beds, and the chances are, the average person will have sellable items lying around, whether it’s furniture, books, clothing, old laptops or DVDs. You’d be surprised how much you can round up for sale on places like eBay. We covered the best ways to make Cash from your Trash here.

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