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Earn £45 an hour searching for white Cadbury Crème Eggs

Moneymagpie Team 26th Mar 2019 One Comment

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Love Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory? Well, now that golden ticket feeling is a reality thanks to Cadbury’s Creme Eggs. They’ve put 872 prize-winning white chocolate eggs in circulation in this year’s Cadbury Crème Egg hunting campaign. If you find one you’ve hit the jackpot!

The prizes include:

– 9 x £10,000 white chocolate eggs
– 22 x £1,000 white chocolate eggs
– 66 x £100 white chocolate eggs
– 700 x £50 white chocolate eggs
– 75 x £10 white chocolate eggs

Where to shop:

Shops selling the white chocolate eggs include Asda, Morrisons, Tesco, Co-op, Sainsburys, Marks & Spencer, Waitrose, One Stop shops and some independent retailers.

When to claim: 

The Cadbury White Crème Egg hunt end’s on April 21st at 11.59pm and claims must be made before May 21st.

How does hunting for these eggs turn into a job?

Bark.com has launched the world’s first Cadbury Crème Egg Hunter service to help people around the UK find the limited-edition white chocolate eggs and win prizes. If you’re after a fun, paid gig and want to help someone find them, now is your chance!

Am I right for the job?

Those who sign up to be a Pro Cadbury Crème Egg Hunter will have to provide a photo ID, be subject to a full background check, and be willing to travel to several supermarkets either in their local area or around the UK.

Bark.com also recommends a contract is written up between the customer and Hunter to agree on the transfer of prizes and terms. As well as the hourly rate, which includes the cost of 8 boxes of eggs, and travel expenses, there is an option for pro Hunters and customers to agree bonuses should prizes be won.

It’s all pretty much up to the person dealing who will be acting as an employer. Or rather the relationship between employer and employee in this case, so make sure to get things really clear before you start!

How much will I earn?

Pro Hunters can expect to earn upwards of £45 per hour, however as with all Bark.com service professionals, they can change a price dependent on their customer’s needs. According to Kai Feller, co-founder of Bark.com, the hunters are in such high demand that you definitely won’t have to lower your fee:

“We already have professional Cadbury Crème Egg Hunters signed up on site, however demand is high, so we need more hunters to offer the service.”

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5 years ago

Let’s join the hunt!

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