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How to make £1000 without leaving your sofa

Marc Crosby 13th Feb 2020 No Comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Make £1000 without leaving your sofa – sounds like the dream, right?

If you find it hard to save for Christmas, you’re not alone! Millions of people around the world help make ends meet by taking paid online surveys. This helps them cut down their daily grocery bills or to spend on Christmas presents to ease the financial burden.

Valued Opinions is one of the best sites to find surveys and they offer vouchers to spend at Amazon.co.uk, Topshop, M&S, John Lewis, and many more – perfect for Christmas! You’re able to make money without even leaving your sofa. Making £1000 won’t happen quickly, but over time it’s possible.

We wanted to learn more about how it works so we spoke to Helen, a long-term Valued Opinions member from Scotland about her experience with it, to discover how much she’s earned. Read on to see how to make £1000 or more with surveys.


How long have you been a Valued Opinions member?

I really cannot recall when I first joined Valued Opinions, but I think it would be about eight years ago (if not more)! This I say by remembering something in particular I had bought with the store cards I’d redeemed with my points many years ago.

What do you do?

My children (two sons) have grown up and have families of their own, but they were still living at home when I joined Valued Opinions! I’m not in paid employment, rather a full-time housewife. I spend my days online doing surveys and entering competitions as well as participating in product trials and focus groups. I love it, it keeps me busy and can be very rewarding.

Where do you live and with whom?

I live in a rural area on an acre of land that’s full of wildlife and is nice and quiet. It’s just my hubby (who is still working) and me at home now.

How much do you think you have earned in total over the years?

Now this is a hard question! But I would hazard a guess it’s been in the £1000s over the years in earnings!

How much do you earn a month?

In a typical month I may earn £15 a month, sometimes £30.

Where do you usually spend the vouchers on?

At first I used to spend vouchers on clothing, shoes and bags etc. Or if I had a bigger purchase in mind, I’d save them up… I bought a NAVMAN GPS once when we were planning an end-of-year road trip. But now I put the vouchers towards grocery shopping… it really does make a difference!

Do you spend them on yourself or others?

I always spend the vouchers on me, my hubby and our lifestyle (groceries, etc). Vouchers are great to get money off the grocery bill whenever I can.

Do you save up credit for big events, such as Christmas?

I don’t normally save the vouchers up for Christmas, I prefer to use my vouchers for month-to-month spending on essentials now.

How many surveys do you take per week?

It depends on when the surveys come in. If I’m online at that moment, I’m straight onto it and hopefully qualify. I would estimate I complete at least one survey a day for Valued Opinions.

How often do you redeem your vouchers?

I redeem as soon as I have enough credit! I may not spend that day, but shortly thereafter… it’s easier to keep track of and also you just never know if or when a company may stop offering them.

What do you like about Valued Opinions?

I like the consistency with Valued Opinions. It’s fairly well stayed the same during my membership years. Surveys are interesting, rewards are quickly accumulated and the fact they’ve been around for years is comforting and it feels more like a friend. I like the interaction with Valued Opinions via social media, it’s fun and you get to know other members this way too!

What are your favourite kind of surveys?

I like surveys that are short and interesting/varied… ones where I can really get into the topic without boredom setting in. I also enjoy surveys where I have to watch online videos and pay attention. Plus, I tend to go for surveys that offer larger incentives because they are done over a number of days or weeks, such as an online diary of purchases, or radio listening habits, etc.

How long do they usually take you?

While I prefer quick surveys of up to 15 minutes mostly, I do like taking on-going ones as mentioned above. A couple of minutes a day over a period of time is always interesting and more like a diary where I can look back on what I’ve been doing.

How to sign up and earn £1000 from your sofa

If you like the sound of making £1000 from your sofa or even more over time like Helen, or to help you pay for Christmas, sign up with Valued Opinions at www.valuedopinions.co.uk.


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