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How to make money looking after football players

George Brown 1st Nov 2018 No Comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

More money than ever is being invested and spent across the football industry as TV rights and global merchandise sales increase alongside ticket prices.

Billions are spent on new players, new stadiums and new training facilities in an effort to deliver success on the pitch and by default, success on the bottom line.

As a result, the value of footballers has increased dramatically, Paris Saint Germain spent £160m on an 18-year-old in 2017…

However, not all 18 year olds are signed for so much money and are able to look after themselves.

In the UK, young players move all over the country as they play for different club and many of them aren’t old enough to live on their own.

Players from as young as 13 or 14 may be asked to move to Manchester to play for one of the big clubs even though the player may not have any family or place to live.

Therefore, football clubs enlist host families to look after youngsters and pay them for the trouble.

Are you eligible?

If a football club has made an effort to enlist the skills of a young footballer from another part of the UK or somewhere else in the world,  they want them to have a good home to live in.

It’s not like a bunch of students with a spare room would be allowed to look after a young footballer…

Clubs look out for parents who have room and have a nice enough home for the young player to feel comfortable in.

The parents also have to prepare evening meals when the player is staying home.

Furthermore, a player has to be within a short car journey from the training ground as the youngster needs to be able to get in on time.

How to apply

If you live within a 30-minute drive from a training ground of a football club, simply visit the website and send an email to the team, who will forward it on to a relevant person at the club academy.

If your message is approved and your home fits the criteria, a visit will be arranged and an assessment made by the club to ensure your home is appropriate for a young person top live.

Once this process has been completed, you will be given the chance to meet a young player and get to know them before they move in full time.

How much will I get paid?

The amount of money paid is likely to change from one club to another but you can expect around £50-£70 a week for looking after a young player.

Remember that there are lots of other families who do the same thing in the UK so if you cannot adapt to the situation, you can always get in touch with your contact at the club to end the stay.

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