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Search Results for 'food'

10 brilliant money facts students should know

18th Jan 2016

As a student you can get your first taste of independence by living away from home, motivating yourself to study, cooking for yourself and generally standing on your own two feet. You might also be in control of your finances for the very first time. Whether you’re revelling in your newfound freedom or feeling a…

The quickest way I know to get rich…

28th Nov 2015

The quickest way I know to get rich… is to hang around with poor people. That way you feel rich instantly without actually doing anything. There – aren’t you pleased you started to read this?!   No, but really… Bear with me… this really is about being rich. If you think about it, there’s no objective measurement…

Benefits for carers in the UK – Carer’s Allowance

13th Nov 2015

Across the UK there are 6.5 million people caring for a loved one who is older, seriously ill or disabled. Carers Rights Day, organised by Carers UK, brings together more than 900 organisations across the UK every year to help carers in local communities to know their rights. If you’re a carer there is financial…

NUS discounts students can take advantage of

2nd Nov 2015

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that most students are fairly skint, which is why NUS discounts are so important. Some students budget carefully, leaving enough cash each week for drinking and going out, while others dance frantically at the end of their overdrafts, desperately wondering just where that money goes. Hidden course costs such…

5 habits of successful savers

19th Oct 2015

Everyone wants to know the secrets successful savers have to make them rich in life. But there’s no secret to it – saving is all about living within your means and putting whatever is left over into a high-interest savings account. It’s simple really –  living on less is much easier if your money’s out of…

6 ways to afford childcare

18th Sep 2015

The bottom line is childcare is something most families need and the worry of how to afford childcare plays on many a parents mind. The older your child gets the more money you will have to spend on childcare. No more so than during those periods when you and your partner have to work –…

We live like kings

7th Sep 2015

It suddenly occurred to me yesterday morning as I was getting dressed, listening to the radio, that we today live like kings did in olden times. It was probably because the music I was listening to was Baroque – the sort of music that a king in, say, the 17th century would listen to as…

How I got out of debt and got into making money

11th May 2015

Jasmine Birtles paid off a £10,000 debt in the late 90’s and did it in a year. Here is her story including how she got into the debt and how she got out of it!

Why debt consolidation isn’t a way out of debt

19th Mar 2015

A guest article from StepChange.  When you’re dealing with debt, a consolidation loan can seem like a smart idea. The adverts make it sound all so simple: who wouldn’t want to roll all their debts up and make one single monthly payment? What the adverts neglect to tell you is that debt consolidation can often…

Reasons to be cheerful: 62 things to make you smile in 2021

9th Jan 2015

Feeling the lockdown blues…even when it’s not supposed to be lockdown? It still feels like there is a lot to be gloomy about – the government and SAGE certainly seem to want to keep us that way! But we truly don’t have to accept that. We can rebel and demand the goodness, happiness and light…

12 rich celebs who live frugally

3rd Jan 2015

We’re all used to seeing A-listers living lavish lifestyles. But, not all of them blow their fortune on fast cars, grand properties and expensive nights out. In fact, some of the cleverer ones know how to keep hold of their cash by being wise with what they’ve got. Some of them live pretty much like…

Top 10 most popular dog breeds in the UK and the reasons we love them

15th Dec 2014

The Brits are a nation of animal lovers but it’s dogs with which we share an extra special bond. As we come up to Christmas you may be thinking about getting a new furry addition for your family. But before you do you need to think it through carefully. Rob Young, Head of Dog Rehoming at…