14th Jul 2015
Right now the exchange rate between Pound and Euro is at its most favourable since 2007. For the past month rates have been hovering at between €1.3 and €1.4 per pound. For businesses exporting to the Eurozone this is not good news. But for tourists going to a Eurozone country for a holiday (Spain, Greece, France…
23rd Jun 2015
Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) has launched its annual national awareness week, with a focus on phone scams in partnership with Financial Fraud Action UK (FFA UK), as criminals increasingly focus on scams that avoid face-to-face contact. The campaign will involve 173,000 volunteers will be helping to warn those in their community of the dangers of phone…
21st Jun 2015
Do you receive benefits? Are you concerned about what the the benefit cap cuts might mean for your finances? Then read on to find out how the new benefit cap the government plans to make may affect you. What are the planned changes? Who does it affect? How does it work? I’m worried! What…
11th May 2015
As if there weren’t enough things to worry about when you have a new partner, now there’s a whole new type of STD to beware of: a financial STD, or Sexually Transmitted Debt. It’s silent, insidious, and you usually don’t know about it until it’s too late. Your partner’s debts can be a devastating blow…
19th Mar 2015
A guest article from StepChange. When you’re dealing with debt, a consolidation loan can seem like a smart idea. The adverts make it sound all so simple: who wouldn’t want to roll all their debts up and make one single monthly payment? What the adverts neglect to tell you is that debt consolidation can often…
10th Mar 2015
If you get thrown in the slammer, does that mean your career is over? Not for these celebrities, who are still very successful and very much in the public limelight, even after spending a couple of years in jail. If you’ve got a criminal record or you have spent time in prison at some point,…
12th Feb 2015
What do you do when you really want something that you know you can’t afford? For some people the answer is to visit a rent-to-own shop such as BrightHouse. They offer you the chance to buy goods such as TVs and washing machines by paying in weekly instalments. Sounds too good to be true? It…
3rd Jan 2015
We’re all used to seeing A-listers living lavish lifestyles. But, not all of them blow their fortune on fast cars, grand properties and expensive nights out. In fact, some of the cleverer ones know how to keep hold of their cash by being wise with what they’ve got. Some of them live pretty much like…
15th Dec 2014
The Brits are a nation of animal lovers but it’s dogs with which we share an extra special bond. As we come up to Christmas you may be thinking about getting a new furry addition for your family. But before you do you need to think it through carefully. Rob Young, Head of Dog Rehoming at…
10th Dec 2014
Are you getting tired of buying gifts for your loved ones that end up in the bin on boxing day? Well, why not go for something a little different this year? We at MoneyMagpie have found a fantastic range of ‘invisible gifts’! You can’t hold, wrap them up or put them under the tree but…
8th Dec 2014
If you’re on a tight budget this Christmas the last thing you want is to be conned by sneaky sale tactics and unnecessary charges so we’ve but together a list of the top ten sneaky cons you should be aware of this festive season. Can you guess what they are? Take a look below. Is…
2nd Dec 2014
There has been a steep increase in nasty telephone scams over the last year which means you need to be extra careful not to be conned. Over the last 12 months, at least £23.9 million has been lost to Vishing (the fancy term for phone scams), which is a £7 million increase on the year before….