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Disabled allowance

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    My work want to cut my pay by 20% but I live with my partner and she can’t work any more because of her health. What does she need to do to get the disabled allowance or benefits? Can she get them if I am working, even thgouh I am earning less?


    Hi Dan,

    Depending on your household income and your savings, you could get Universal Credit. Your partner could get an extra amount based on her disability – but this can take a long time to get. She’ll need to take a work capability assessment. In normal times, it takes up to six months to get the appointment – now, it’ll take even longer. If she is then eligible for the extra allowance, it gets backdated and paid as a lump sum. She could also be eligible for Personal Independent Payment, which isn’t means-tested. (So it doesn’t matter if you or both of you are working, or have savings). Again, it’ll take a long time to get this sorted.

    If she can’t work because of her health due to coronavirus – so it’s a short-term problem rather than a permanent or long-term disability – she won’t get that allowance. It’s only for people who can’t work or have a severely limited capability for work. She’ll need to apply for the Employment and Support Allowance element if it’s a short-term problem like coronavirus, which is like sick pay.


    Thanks I am worried we can’t cover bills as she can’t work and I am getting less money. we don’t have savings and we rent so I’m not sure how we can pay the next rent. I wasn’t sure if she could get the allowance if I am working or if I had to be her carer to get it. We can’t wait months for it though so what should we do?


    If you’re eligible for Universal Credit as a couple, you can apply for an advance payment to help cover your rent. This is like a loan, so you pay it back with small reductions off future UC payments, but can get you out of a tight spot.

    Could you also talk to your landlord and ask for a deferral? They might let you pay a bit late if you can assure them the money is coming in.

    I think the benefit you’re thinking of is Attendance Allowance/Carer’s Allowance. This is for someone you look after who already gets benefits (or is over 65). In your case, it sounds like the disability element of Universal Credit and an application to PIP are your best long-term bets for securing an income for your partner.

    In the short term, you could also apply to your local authority for some help. They have crisis funds for vulnerable people, so it’s worth giving them a call to ask how they can help.

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