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  • #177512

    Just game to the end of a binge watch and I’m looking for good TV suggestions. Something a bit thought-provoking please…no reality TV, haha

    Marc Crosby

    Good question, Paul. There’s actually been some amazing TV this year.

    Some of my top pics would be:

    Severance – a fantastic new sci-fi TV show which has a (really quite creepy) spin on work-life balance.

    Better Call Saul – This was the final season, so you’d need to watch the other series first, but honestly I think it’s one of the best shows ever made.

    Andor – A Star Wars TV show that actually feels thoughtful and takes the franchise to new heights.

    House Of The Dragon – A slightly more tentative suggestion, depending on your taste, but if you liked Game Of Thrones back at its height, I think you’d like this.


    I’m a bit of a fantasy/sci-fi geek though, so a bit biased. Currently watching The Devils Hour which I’m really enjoying as well – one episode to go!


    Thanks, I’ll check some of these out.

    So Andor’s good? I’m a bit burnt out on Star Wars TV – Mando was fine, but Bobba Fett and Obi-Wan just really underwhelmed me.

    Marc Crosby

    Thanks, I’ll check some of these out. So Andor’s good? I’m a bit burnt out on Star Wars TV – Mando was fine, but Bobba Fett and Obi-Wan just really underwhelmed me.


    Oh yes, Andor is in a different league, I think. It’s an entirely separate creative team, and it’s shot on location rather than The Volume so it feels really different.

    It’s kind of Star Wars ‘for adults’ but not in a juvenile way – it’s not gory or sweary – its just really well-written with morally-grey characters and a burning hatred for fascism that keeps the whole thing feeling depressingly timely.

    Jasmine Birtles

    It depends what you like but I’ve started watching The Good Place on Netflix which is a great way to learn about philosophy and have a laugh at the same time.

    Otherwise I’m going back in time with my viewing – currently I’m watching Arrested Development on Netflix which I think is from the 90s and on BBC iPlayer New Tricks which I’ve seen before but it’s well done!

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