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  • trevor

    i’m not nervous about shopping its just how we will have to act,queuing,herded around like cattle,distancing and hiding our faces,but also i dont really need to go to town as before there was not much there before the virusas most shops were closing down and the streets were a mess,i would only go really for a haircut ,banking or to meet people,but banking and meeting people i can do without or go on the internet so nothing to get me to town as i can get everything off the internet,if i could get my hair cut off the internet that would be great,might happen in the future,a virtual haircuts or i could just get the pudding bowl out like my mum used to do with us or even have my hair like i had it in the 70s long back to the hippy age,it’s a shame for the high streets but i think the future is the internet shopping now.i also think there will be a second wave coming until there is a vaccine nothing will be the same again.

    in reply to: was Dominic Cummings right to do what he did #151698

    yes sick of hearing about cummings but others an snp and labour members broke the lockdown not mutch said about them,yes he gave a poor excuse  and as an adviser could have come up with a better one than he did ,i cant see why his wife did not drive as she can,but its all political now and nothing said about the others,others normal people have got fines doing what he did and thats it nothing said just because  he works for the government the media have to pick through every little detail and its boaring.,if i had a car i would do the same,if you look at other leaders and mps what they have done in the past robbing the tax payer and getting away with it is worse than traveling in a car.

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