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Participantup here in scotland i heard every restaurant that was open was bursting at the seams to the stage people was queing outside.
i was still sheilding, and even now i rarely go out. im still very wary. i still sanatise, keep my distance, and if possible (when my lungs allow) wear a mask. and the people who are in direct contact with me still do the same.
people here are now mostly pretending covid dont exist, its like normal for most folk exept the vulnerable and that prices have soared so high for everything
ParticipantYes we certainly will. It’s a good point about money in Scotland. As you say, it is a different system and, in theory, Scottish notes (and Northern Ireland bank notes) are not legal tender in England, but most businesses do accept them.
why are they not legal tender? at least now i know why i was rejected in some english shops as a kid when wanting to pay for things. yet scotland accepts all money no issues. we often end up with english money in our machines. whats the difference between each of the money? as far as i can tell its just the bank it comes from thats different and should not be a reason to reject it. after al it holds the same value.
Participanti have no idea, i dont understand what this is about. iv never paid tax. where does the money come from in the first place for anything? didnt know there was different types of tax. what is the covid19 bill? i hope they dont take the money outa the funds for the vulnerable (disabled, sick, mental health, nhs, kids/school, elderly, care) who created tax? what does it do?
Participantthats good to know. is it the same for scotland? often rules are different. i was panicking thinking id missed cut off and if i gave the money to my bro to use for me he would get in trouble or miss out. you know like people do with counterfits. im so glad that worry is over. hope when its announced your website can let us know 🙂
ParticipantI read yesterday that police are talking about checking people’s supermarket trolleys? Surely this can’t be allowed?! How on earth can anyone decide what is an ‘essential’ item from a supermarket? It’s got me really anxious
ok im nervous now too, because we all view essentials differently to ours needs. I don’t think they can legally do this. I hope not. its an invasion of privacy n human rights. I mean what we need every day is different.
an essential for me is diferent to an essential for babies and children, but sometimes the same. like I don’t have kids but use baby wipes every day, I find that an essential item, just as much as I find coca cola an essential item to me as its one of 3 things I can drink. I have food n fluid restrictions and some are because of medication, so I have to watch I take. how are they going to know that its essential for me to get 5 bottles of cola and that the chap in line doesn’t drink it bit buys it because theres only 5 left? how do they decide who gets it?
what do they consider as an essential item? how do they know I have 10 kids and a husband to feed so I need say 3 roasts of the same kind to feed them all at once and im not just storing them? are we getting quizzed by them? how do we prove it? I know it sounds silly but that’s the questions going through my mind.
I can see if they do this fights will break out. and possible more people will turn to online so they don’t have the hassel. therefore taking up the slots us vulnerable/shielding folk need. people do go mad at the best of times, but in crisis they go more overboard. so I guess I understand why they might want to do something to prevent the toilet paper crisis again. but they need to think sensible n logical about it and make it clear what is and what isn’t ok.
Participantdoes this just mean holidays? or any kind of purchase? im going by the title.
I think regards to flights n holidays it will be personal preference, but I think its best to go by you wont get anywhere this year and look forward to planning next year. then if the situation is better sooner you may get the chance of something then that’s just a bonus. id continue to save for it, never know when you need something for a rainy day/emergency anyways and the bonus youl probably have extra for your next holiday that way. it will be very strange for the first you go back on flights n to other countries, keep that in mind, so you don’t get your hopes up of the original plan. you can still have fun in your home country.
Participantwhat is water cooler chat? id like to know what we can discuss in this area? cheers
ParticipantI don’t think we have cut off anything as such. we have spent far less on food as we have trouble getting it. and since im no longer out theres no meals out so have saved on that and petrol as no ones driving. but there not by choice its just because of the situation. I guess iv stopped impulse buys when im out since im at home all time. im eager to read what everyone else has been cutting off to save during this time. so hope more people reply soon. lol im very nosey.
June 23, 2020 at 11:43 in reply to: What are some of the eco-friendly habits you’re now using since lockdown? #152119claire
ParticipantSince lockdown began I’ve changed a lot of products I’ve used in my bathroom and kitchen. We’ve completely switched to Ecover for our washing up/laundry needs, but my hero products have been reusable cotton pads and natural deodorant. What about you all?
what is ecover? and reusable cotton pads? and natural deodorant? are they good for sensitive skin? where can we buy them? are they expensive?
I don’t think we have really changed anything. unless it said eco friendly on the item I wouldn’t know it was eco friendly. speaking of which can you explain what eco friendly means? I assume its something to do with being kind to the ecosystem?
ParticipantCan an Employer take you of Furlough pay for a week, pay you Holiday pay then put you back on Furlough? We have been on Furlough for 6 weeks and have had a letter informing us week begining 18th May will be paid Holiday pay, they will take 5 days of our Holiday entitlment for the year.
does that mean they take a whole five days holiday off you so you miss out? if that’s so then that’s horrible, its not your fault covid19 appeared and caused havoc. I don’t work so I don’t know the answer but id imagine that they cant do that, if they can then there just not fair taking your holidays away.
Participantwhats sheilders pay?
Participantiv noticed quite a lot that theres coding issues, where the thing people have written looks like gobbledygook and is impossible to understand. iv been reporting these issues I find to marc who gets them fixed. I even came across a topic full of the coding issue, im sure that’s why that person hasn’t had any replies yet. its quite annoying when this happens as im sure no one notices when it happens. and im sure it puts people off wanting to comment.
Participantid keep them they will defo be worth something someday 🙂 the simplest of stamps can be worth a lot, let alone cool ones like that.
June 17, 2020 at 10:26 in reply to: Should I be nervous about shops reopening on the highstreet #152009claire
ParticipantI cant help sorry iv been shielding and here in Scotland we are still in lockdown.
but im very nervous to go back to shops when they open. I see pics online of people queuing and people pushing and shoving and fighting to get into the open shops in England. so im very reluctant to try till much later when everything settles and is worked out so that its monitored. id defo wear a mask, no doubt about that you can buy your own on amazon. and id wear gloves if you can too. and keep sanitiser in your pocket.
have you been shielding for having a vulnerable condition? if so id defo wait an extra while before going. just to be on safe side. id stick to a social bubble at home. then you can still see people but at safe distance.
I belive there is going to be a second wave al over the world, so best to wait extra to see that’s over properly. I think boris has done stuff too early and the riots wont be helping. I think that since its large gatherings it will trigger another wave. I know everyone is bored, but best to be cautious than sorry and get it.
keep safe
Participantsupport bubbles I think are like who your living with, or interacting with as in one more household. I think its created mainly for those on their own so they have someone. but everyone needs someone so its good idea to interact with another household if you can to support eachother through the virus. that’s my understanding.
google it, you wil find some good info out there. heres an article explaining it. I hope this helps. here is another